Wednesday, October 7, 2009
For My Long Distance Friends
Saturday, July 25, 2009
She's ALIVE!

Saturday, July 11, 2009
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Catching Up
Thursday, June 25, 2009
MORE Progress...
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
My Hometown

Our backyard is an “oasis” as a friend of mine commented recently. Bordered by very large trees, our neighbor has a great old barnwood shed with a rusty roof that creates a backdrop for the view out back. The shed, so it seems, is the home of another community of sorts. Woodchucks. Plural. We have had a woodchuck visit our yard every year around this time. I had been fearful that our garage floor would collapse from the tunnels underneath and I convinced my long-suffering partner to try to help me eradicate the creature. Well, we’ve been here 16 years and so has Chuckie. Well maybe Chuckie or Chuckie Jr.. How long is the lifespan of a woodchuck? Today, I was introduced to Chuckie’s family. I hope it was the WHOLE family but, probably not. I watched from inside as two smaller chuckies came out from the hole by the compost pile to enjoy a meal of the mulberries that fall from the tree behind the garage and a third smaller chuck was peering out of the tunnel under the garage! I’m sure they have probably been enjoying the vacant splendor of our backyard all these years while we’ve been at work! Later, as I was explaining all of this to hubby, we looked out to discover that a fifth family member had joined the party. Mulberry dessert at the house behind the shed! I tried to get a picture of the whole family, but the kids were a little shy...
Lest you think I have just been spending my time idly watching woodchucks and going on cross-country bike rides, I applied for my LLC yesterday and am working through the maze of software demo programs to find the right program to use at Second Wind Consignments. I’ve talked with bankers, insurance agents, bookkeepers and attorneys. No, I haven’t committed to a location. I’m sure it will happen when the time is right. Maybe I haven’t found the perfect one yet! Maybe tomorrow....
Sunday, June 7, 2009
One Man's Trash
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Wanted: Seedlings
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
A good friend is cheaper than therapy. ~Author Unknown

Yesterday was my day to run errands in town. I’d love to stay in sleepy little Deale, but as of yet, Trader Joe’s does not deliver! There’s something to be said about stocking up...4 pounds of walnuts, 3 pounds of almonds, 2 quarts of olive oil, a pound of feta cheese, the list goes on. It's 20 miles to get to the nearest TJ’s but definitely worth the drive.
I had intended to stop for only a few minutes. It was a gorgeous day; warm, starting to get just a little humid, but so nice to be outside. Red was working in her garden when I arrived. She took a break and we sat on the deck to talk for a bit. As things go with a BFF, we talk about everything. She has been so supportive of my new business venture and, having owned her own business years ago, seems to know just what to say to help me work through some of the details that are weighing me down. I always feel just a little lighter after our visits!
A few minutes almost always turns into more when Red and I are together. An hour later, I left her house and completed my errands for the day. TJ’s was crowded (as usual) and the bank was not (as usual). I drove back to “South County” and assessed what was left of my day.
I have been putting a lot of time and energy into developing my business plan and it is almost complete. Parts that remain incomplete are those which require numbers. How does one estimate the success of a dream? It is an awful lot like raising children. You read all the books, follow all the rules, and then one day, they deviate from the plan. Good or not. Come to think of it, I guess raising kids is good practice for starting a a business! I hope to have the same luck this time around.
Monday, May 25, 2009
ebay Lessons
At first, it was difficult to decide WHAT to sell. Certainly we have no shortage of nicknacks in our home! I decided to start with a few of the Wade porcelain figurines that we have collected over the years. Boo and I always had fun trying to find a new character or animal that we did not already own. The majority of what we collected will be “off limits” for my current needs, but some are definitely worth offering as research “sacrifices”!
Only The Shadow Knows
Thursday, May 21, 2009
My Green Soapbox

Monday, May 18, 2009
Books today
What have I done today?...I picked up three rather large boxes of books from a fellow freecycler. I think Hubby thought I was just a little touched when I told him of my plan. You know, after we cleaned out his mom’s house and got rid of donated all those books to the Bryn Mawr book shop, it does seem a little weird to go out of my way to pick up someone else’s castoff books! However. I have to develop a new mindset and think it is actually going to help me get rid of sell some of the kind of things that I have been accumulating the last few decades. Back to the books, though. Three not-so-large boxes contained a few paperback best sellers , at least 75 “Harlequin-type” romance novels (have YOU ever read one?) a book on Easter craft projects, another on carving Jack-o-lanters, and a Richard Scarry children’s book on Christmas. Sorting them became a mental exercise in merchandising. I do not intend to have shelves of books (not that they won’t evolve) but I can envision using them to create interest in other items and support holiday-themed sales. No, I did not keep them all. I re-posted the ones I did not want and another freecycler picked up two very full boxes two hours later. Easy come, easy go!
Friday, May 15, 2009
In The Shop
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Ideas are swimming around in my head; planning, marketing, legal issues, merchandise, time management; the list goes on and on...
The following logistical items need to be addressed ASAP:
- Establish a business identity
- Apply for a county business license
- Apply for an EIN with the IRS
- Rent a location from which business can be transacted (or is this number 2?)
- Begin to collect merchandise (fliers, emails to friends)
- Buy a computer for business (Mac or PC???)
- Tag printer
- Set up Bank account (BB&T)
- Credit card processing?
- Trade Association Membership (NARTS)
- Learn more about blogging
- Learn more about ebay
- Sign for Muddy Creek Rd.
Thursday, May 7, 2009